About Us
Rankin Engineering Consultants is committed to ensuring accurate, cost-effective, appropriate and responsive multi-disciplinary consulting engineering services in order to continuously meet or exceed the expectations of our customers. We are committed to building and maintaining a reputation of excellence through a dynamic and competent work force, respected for its skills, integrity and innovation. Rankin Engineering Consultants adheres to all regulatory and statutory requirements in its business operations. Our implemented Quality Management System complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. The top management of Rankin Engineering Consultants is committed to the continual improvement of the quality management system.
Our fully equipped materials laboratory is accredited with the internationally recognised standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017.
Quality Management Objectives
- To deliver quality service and ensure enhanced customer satisfaction
- Ensure staff are competent to deliver quality service in accordance to set procedures
- Ensure continual improvement for our Quality Management System
- Adhere to all regulatory and statutory requirements
Our Quality Policy can be found here.